What I'd like to see in Kill Team

For a couple of years now, I've been enjoying Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team, a skirmish wargame set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Whilst it's been a great many years since I regularly played Warhammer 40,00, the setting and miniatures have always been interesting and appealing, so a game like Kill Team, with small squads and only a handful of miniatures needed was pretty hard to resist. For a look at what some friends and I have been doing with games of Kill Team, check out this blog: https://ludusbellorum.blogspot.com/

As it stands, there are several expansion books beyond the Kill Team Core Manual, each of which expands the 16 factions and add in Rogue Traders, Gellerpox, Sisters of Battle, Chaos Daemons and the characters from Blackstone Fortress. The addition of Commanders means characters can be fielded in some games, either as an alternative to a regular leader or as a powerful solo piece. With each new book, the options for building a Kill Team increase, meaning that your force can be varied, providing plenty of opportunity for customisation and unique miniatures, which appeals to me. 

With expansions for Kill Team set to continue for at least 2020, I thought it'd be fun to take a look at some of the units and characters in Warhammer 40,000 that I'd like to see in the game for one reason or another. As I'm not really much of a "competitive" player, this list will be more about what I would find interesting, or what might add a fun dynamic to the game, rather than what would compliment a particular build, etc. 

Commanders and Elites for Chaos Daemons 
This one is pretty obvious, with the only choices for Daemons being the rank-and file "soldiers" that have been around since the 1980s, some more variety would be great. Heralds, of course would be a great start, perhaps even character leaders like The Masque, as I like some named characters being around for narrative games. In terms of Elites, I imagine the balance would be tricky with some of the larger Daemons like Fiends and Beasts of Nurgle, but the models are really nice and other large models like Tau Battlesuits and Tyranid Warriors are already part of the game. 

Imperial Guard Veterans and Ratlings 
I'm well aware that Rein and Raus are already in Kill Team through the Blackstone Fortress stuff, but Ratlings have been a part of the Imperial Guard since the beginning, so it would be nice to see them back. Of course, both the Ratlings and Veterans aren't in Kill Team already because there are no currently produced miniature sets for them, which makes sense from GW's perspective, but is a little disappointing for players like myself. Imperial Guard Veterans have a great variety of equipment options from which to choose and enable plenty of conversion opportunities for veteran modelers, plus would provide some much-needed variety to the faction. 

Chaos Space Marine Chosen 
Chaos Space Marines don't get too many options in Kill Team, which is disappointing as they're a really diverse force in Warhammer 40,000. Much as the above Imperial Guard Veterans, Chosen allow a great variety choice in terms of weapon load-outs that Chaos are lacking at the moment. When I want to field Loyalist Marines, I more often find myself putting Veterans on the table so that I can get a spread of weapons, having access to Chosen would enable Chaos players to do the same. 

All in, it's kind of odd that the narrative skirmish version of Warhammer 40,00 got Rogue Trader crews before Inquisitors, but it's really not that hard to fix. The Inquisition were just featured in the 2019 Chapter Approved, with some special rules for including them in Imperial armies under normal detachments. Whilst an Inquisition Kill Team would be fun, being able to include some Acolytes or a Jokero with other Imperial Warbands would be great for narrative games and in-store campaigns. Again, just some more variety for lists like Imperial Guard that lack a decent spread right now. 

The Warhammer 40,000 Assassins are pretty powerful models, and I'm not suggesting a Kill Team of one model, but a scenario where two Kill Teams encounter an Assassin would be really interesting to play. Such scenarios featuring the Ambull and Zoat from Blackstone Fortress have already been released, but it would be nice to see some characters from across the setting brought into Kill Team in special scenarios. Even a mission where an Assassin has to sneak past another Kill Team would be great, like the Solitaire scenario from Blackstone Fortress. 

The idea of mercenaries in the Warhammer 40,000 universe has been sidelined in recent editions, but everything from Kroot, Red Corsairs and Ork Freebooters used to fight for coin across the galaxy. In my mind, mercenaries would be strictly a Narrative Game Only option for Kill Teams that would enable a certain amount of points to be spent on a couple of Kroot, Ork Kommandos or maybe even renegade Marines to round out a force. Think something like the Blackstone Fortress explorers, but available to a variety of Kill Teams for more characterful games. 

Well, that's my list, what do you think? Is there is anything you'd like to see added to Kill Team? There's plenty of options in Warhammer 40,000 that could be brought across to add to the game. 
